Tuesday 2 February 2016





On a cool evening, I was having a nice time with a friend, one thing led to another and he promised to give me a book. 
Two days later
, he sent me a book through my mum. At the first glance,  i felt i didn't
 need the book, that it might just be a waste of time since am no one's employee but on the second thought i remembered how i waited for four years after school to secure a job only to get fired five days later (YES! You read right πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
And NO "aye" is not doing meπŸ˜„πŸ˜„. ) i just didnt have the keys to unlock the heart of my boss

In corporate world, many reporting relationships are strained to breaking point because your boss is reacting harshly to your poor performance amd lack of confidence and your confidence is being further eroded by your boss' harsh words and countenance towards you.

Fixing the relationship will require a consistence effort on your part by;

  1. Seeing your boss as your #1customer
  2. Accept responsibility
  3. Be a soluton provider
  4. Be organised and be an organiser
  5. Be reliable, resourceful and reponsive
  6. Be diligent and discipline
  7. Be talented , timely, trustworthy, and a teamplayer
  8. e. t. c....... 
This book fully explains;

  • The difference between a job an a career
  • How to find your way to the top of the career ladder in the shortest time possible
  • How to fall in love with your job by understanding your boss and finding your way to his/her heart
  • How to become the right candidate for promotion ALWAYS! 
Oh!  Need i say am grabbing my copy soon, you too should do same. 
